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How to Submit Your Manuscript

Dead Key Publishing is not a traditional publishing house, nor are we like most epublishers. Most epublishers will publish your book without ever looking at it, reading it or correcting any errors. Most epublishers won't help with marketing, believing that it falls solely on the author. Dead Key Publishing is different.

What Will You Get When You Sign With Dead Key Publishing?

When you submit your manuscript to Dead Key Publishing and we accept it for epublication, you will receive first and foremost attention and celebration as one of our authors. We are honored to have you be a Dead Key-er. Click here to read our acceptance policy.

On the more tangible side, you will receive the following free of charge.

  • Editing—Your manuscript will first receive a thorough reading and editing. Click here for details on editing.
  • Design—You can't tell a book by its cover. However, you can tell whether you are interested in reading it or not by the cover. Even ebooks. That's why your ebook will have a cover. Click here for further details on cover design.
  • Marketing—This is what makes or breaks even the most brilliant of books. Depending on how much or how little you want to be involved, our marketing packages cover writing copy, your own page on our website with links to your social media sites and web page (and we can help you set those up if you don't already have them). Click here for further details on marketing.

  • Still want to submit? Good! Whether this is your first manuscript or your hundredth, submitting anything for someone else to read takes courage. Click here for our guidelines.